Advantages of monitoring
Control your intellectual property
Activate protection of trademark
Prevent registration of conflict TM
Submit objection to TM registration in time
Prevent weakening og your TM

  • 1 year
  • Daily Monitoring of your TM
  • Database: applications on TM in Ukraine
  • Database: international applications on Ukrainian territory
  • Message in Viber (e-mail) in case of conflict TM
  • Consultation by specialist
  • Quarterly report on TM search
Cost: 3000 UAH (one class)
1000 UAH per each next class.
  • 1 year
  • Daily Monitoring of your TM
  • Database: applications on TM in Ukraine
  • Database: international applications on Ukrainian territory
  • Message in Viber (e-mail) in case of conflict TM
  • Consultation by specialist
  • Quarterly report on TM search
Cost: 5000 UAH (one class)
1000 UAH per each next class.

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The trademark provides exclusive rights to the name. Only the TM owner shall be entitled to prohibit or permit the use of a registered designation to others.

The laws of all countries of the world provide for an opportunity to file an objection against registration of a trademark similar to the registered trademark, and capable of violating the owner’s rights.

The Patent Office shall conduct examination. If the declared and registered trademarks coincide entirely, such an application will be denied.

However, there are situations when the trademarks are not the same (not 100% identical), but are very similar so that the consumers may confuse them.

The offices are not always able to recognize these situations and the trademark owner only may intervene and defend its interests.

Using the trademark monitoring, the owner can monitor the receipt of applications for similar trademarks and file objections to their registration in due time.

These objections are a good tool to protect one’s trademark rights at the stage until the application for a similar TM is filed only. After registration of a similar TM, one can defend its rights through the courts only, and this process is much more time- and effort-consuming.

Order the trademark monitoring on our web site, and you will receive monthly reports with our recommendations. Monitoring may include a particular country, group of countries, or region. When required, our specialists will be able to prepare an objection to the trademark registration in the country where a similar trademark is applied.

Our priority countries for trademark registration: