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Trademark Application in Ireland
Registration of a trademark in Ireland is available to individuals and legal entities. How to Register a Trademark in Ireland? To obtain exclusive rights to a company name, you should fill out the form on our website online. Profitmark International Patent Bureau specializes in the registration of intellectual property and has official representatives in 120 countries. Using our service to register a trademark in Ireland you receive:
- Consulting support.
- Professional trademark verification in Ireland
- Preparation of a package of documents for obtaining registration.
- The official filing of the Application for registration with the patent office of the country.
- Accompanying your application with an accredited patent attorney.
- If necessary: filing petitions or other additional documents and applications in the process of registering a trademark.
- Obtaining a Certificate for a trademark.
Trademark Search in Ireland
Before applying for your trademark, we recommend to make sure that you are free to use it. I.e. it is not similar or identical to any trademark already registered in the same classes of goods or services.
You should also consult regularly the trademark databases and the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland's Official Journal to check if similar to yours or identical trademarks are being registered.
Trademark registration process in Ireland
You have to present the following information to the Intellectual Property Office:
- your name (individual's name or the Company's name) and nationality;
- Legal Representative (a Trademark Agent, Solicitor, Barrister, etc.);
- address at which you wish to receive correspondence relating to the application;
- a copy of your trademark;
- type of trademark;
- claim to priority;
- class of goods and/or services;
- declaration regarding the use of the trademark;
- fees accompanying your application.
When an application is filed, the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland examines your application to ensure that your trademark complies with the requirements of the Trade Marks Act, 1996.
The Intellectual Property Office also carries out a search of the National and the European Union Trade Mark Databases to check if there is a similar/identical trademark registered or pending with an earlier filing date.
When your application is accepted, the Intellectual Property Office publishes it in the Official Journal.
There is a three-month window for the filing of observations/opposition. If there`s no opposition within the time allowed, then the Office issues a request for the registration fee of €177.00 regardless of the number of classes.
Then, a Certificate of Registration is issued (after receipt of the fee). This protects your trademark in Ireland for a period of 10 years from the date of the application filing. The renewal of trademarks registration in Ireland can be made for further periods of 10 years at a time.
Cost of trademark registration in Ireland
If you apply for a series of trademarks (a maximum of six trademarks are permitted in a series) you have to pay an additional fee.
Trademark registration fees in Ireland are:
€70 per class. €50 for each of the 3rd to 6th trademark in the series.
In addition to the high competence of our experts, online interaction is one of the main advantages of our company service. Specially developed software allows us to accept the applications and process them in automatic mode. In countries where online patent filing is available, we use exactly this option. This allows assigning quickly priority to the applicant.
The user gets access to the personal account on the site, which will display complete information about the paperwork. You will be aware of any changes in the pendency of application status by sending a notification letter via the specified email.
If you decide to register a trademark in Ireland - just file an online application!