Trademark registration in Argentina

TM registration: $730.00
TM search: $164.00

Trademark application Fast and easy. 2 minutes!
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i.e. clothing manufacturer
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Any person (individual or company) can file an application for trademark registration in Argentina. Applicants not domiciled in Argentine must appoint a representative.

Filing requirements in Argentina

Any distinctive trademark that meets all the requirements shall be considered for registration. It should not conflict with earlier registrations or pending applications. To be sure in it, you must make a trademark search in Argentina.

The following marks are registrable:

words, labels, seals, devices (logos), shades of colors (combined with other elements), signatures, holograms, three-dimensional objects, packaging, and slogans.

Audible, olfactory and tactile trademarks can be registered if some particular requirements are complied with at the moment of filing the application.

All the documents must be original (copies are not allowed), must be in Spanish or filed together with a sworn translation into Spanish performed by an Argentine Sworn Translator and legalized by the Sworn Translators Association of the City of Buenos Aires (CTPCBA).

No previous use is required to file an application.

Although Argentina is not a member of the Nice Agreement, the International classification system of goods and services is adopted.

A trademark is vulnerable to cancellation if not used for over five years.

Mid-Term Declarations of Use (MTDoU) must be filed between the 5th and 6th anniversary of the registration date. Otherwise, a fine fee for each year of non-payment will apply.

The registration term is ten years counted from the registration date.

The renewal of trademarks in Argentina is possible for unlimited consecutive ten-year terms.

Trademark registration fee in Argentina starts from US$751.00 per 1 class.

Profitmark International Patent Bureau specializes in the registration of intellectual property and has official representatives in 120 countries. With Profitmark you can receive a consulting support, we make a professional trademark check in Argentina, we prepare a package of documents for obtaining registration and file an application to the National Institute of Industrial Property in Argentina for registration your trademark. Moreover, we ensure accompanying your application with the accredited patent attorney. If necessary we ​​file petitions or other additional documents and applications in the process of registering a trademark.

To obtain exclusive rights to your trademark, you should fill out the form on our website online.

High competence of our experts and online interaction are important advantages of our company service. Special software allows us to accept the applications and process them in automatic mode. We use exactly this option in countries where online patent filing is available.

You can get access to the personal account on the site to find complete information about the process. You will be informed about any changes in the process of application procedure by the notification letter via email.

If you decide to register a trademark in Argentina – just file an online application!

Our priority countries for trademark registration: