The given search includes the information from open sources: registers of national patent offices, the international organizations and private databases.

Free search of a trade mark is spent by the user independently. Employees of have not the right to make comments on results of free search and to give any recommendations to the User. If you want to learn opinion of our expert, you can order a professional search of a trade mark and we will prepare the conclusion.

Some nice advices for carrying out of preliminary search by the User:

If the trade mark consists of several words, the search needs to be spent by all elements of the designation. For example, the trade mark «profitmark» consists of «profit» and «mark». To receive exact results, it is necessary to check up all possible variants separately, together, as their combinations: «profit», «mark», «profitmark», «profit mark», «markprofit», "profit".

If you have checked up all possible variants and identical (if similarity of 100 %) trade mark have not found out it does not mean that the trade mark can be registered. The Department can refuse to register trade mark even if in the register there is already similar trademark to degree of mixture (it is similar so that the consumer can confuse designations). Designations are compared by three criteria: phonetics, semantics (semantic value) and a drawing. Spending search it is necessary to compare trademarks using these criteria. For example, trademarks «profitmark» and «profitmarks» are similar to degree of mixture within the limits of 45 classes.

We also recommend to check a trade mark in the international register WIPO and in the register of the European Union to exclude distribution of trademarks action on the country where the check takes place. For this purpose it is necessary to choose an option «International» - for check in WIPO register and “EM OHIM” - for trade mark check in EU register.

Before carrying out of free or professional searches, it can be useful for you to familiarize with the terms of use: open


Our priority countries for trademark registration: