Free online search for a trade mark


Automated TM
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TM registration
150 countries






of funds



Trademark owners are endowed with exclusive rights to use their trademarks. Hence follows the fact that the other persons cannot register or use an identical or confusingly similar trademark.

Preliminary trademark search will allow you to find all similar or identical designations and assessing the chances for a successful trademark registration.

You can check the trademark on our website free of charge. We want to draw the customers’ attention to the fact that the search does not include all the details of registered and applied trademarks. We are not able to update the database for all countries in real time yet. We recommend that you use this search rather as an auxiliary tool. You don’t need to pay for a professional trademark search if a free lookup shows that your intended trademark has already been registered by another person.

The purpose of this tool is to save time and money for our customers. However, our company does not assume any responsibility for results of this research and conclusions drawn by our customers in the course of its use.

After a free lookup for the trademark, we recommend ordering a full professional trademark search. As a result of the search, you will get a report of our expert. This paper will analyze all similar trademarks, and therefore you will understand the risks for registration denial. Also, we will prepare our recommendations, based on which you will be able to amend your trademark for its successful registration.

Our priority countries for trademark registration: